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Key construction steps:

Design and Layout: Operating room design prioritizes workflow optimization, ensuring sufficient space for surgical teams, equipment, and patient movement. Factors such as room size, layout, lighting, and ventilation are carefully planned to enhance surgical efficiency and minimize the risk of infection.

Sterility and Infection Control: Maintaining a sterile environment is vital in operating rooms. Construction materials and finishes are selected to be non-porous, easy to clean, and resistant to microbial growth. Special attention is given to air filtration and ventilation systems to control airborne contaminants and maintain positive pressure within the operating room.

Integration of Surgical Equipment: Operating rooms require the seamless integration of sophisticated surgical equipment, including anesthesia systems, surgical lights, operating tables, imaging devices, and audiovisual systems. Construction involves close collaboration with equipment suppliers to ensure proper installation, electrical connections, and integration with the overall infrastructure.

项目名称:Hospital in Jakarta-1

Creating a Safe and Efficient Surgical EnvironmentIntroduction.
